Sunday, 1 April 2018

Upper gi bleeding in chronic pancreatitis

I actually want to share the true about the chronic pancreatitis who has upoer gi bleeding can

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Samsung s9 vs Redimi

As the days are going on tough confusion with the several upcoming mobiles for the customers. They are confused which to buy or which not to. For them this is best solution because here you will find the best basic and complex detail which feeds you with the genuine assecessories , software and hardware details . Which helps you to compare and select the best device on your hand with the reasonal spent of budget.

As we all are not sure when we saw advertise on tv about samsumg s9 . We will only come to know about the looks but we are unable to know about the software and hardware which was installed in it.

The details for Samsung S9 is Described below:
1). Model - SM- S9
2). Android version - 7.5
3). RAM- 6GB
4).SDCard- 32 and expandable upto 70 GB
5) Price- 18,000/-

 Redi mi details:
1). Model- MI
2). Andtoid version - 7.3
3). RAM- 8GB
4). Sd card - 80 gb expandable
5). Price- 6000/- .